Bularni Hammasi Sizniki!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Should Mongolians be know as heroes or villains?

Many people view Mongolians as villains or monsters. But actually, they were the one who were heroes. Nomadic people who developed in Central Asia were called the Mongolians. Mongolian people's lives were depended on animals that gave them meat, milk and clothing. In the 18th century, the ecology of Central Asia became terrible. Grasslands and rivers turned into deserts. Mongolians and animals were left in hunger. Trade was reduced between Chinese and Mongolians, when before, they used to exchange goods. Mongols should be known as heroes because they helped their own nation and they were kind and helpfull towards the people who were surrendered.

Mongolians should be known as heroes because they helped their nation. Since it'a life, the supreme leader of Mongolians Genghis Khan invaded vast land in order to survive. According to document #1, Mongolians' joy was to counquer land, see their enemies' family in tears and ride their horses. Whith this disciplane Mongolians gained strenght. Mongilans were suffering in their homeland and they didn't want to live in that situation. So, by conquering land they helped themselves. As stated above, Mongolians must be known as heroes, at that moment, no nation helped Mongolians to get back to feet, but they handled the situation by themselves. They were the most skilled horse riders that could change horses while riding them, shoot from their bows while riding and fight on land. According to document #2, Mongolians used tactics that were way ahead of their time, Chinese scholars helped Genghis khan as he grew.

Mongolians should be known as heroes because they were kind and helpfull towards the people who were surrendered. Many leaders kill surrendered people by boiling them in big hot pots or throwing them into the seas of alligators. But Genghis Khan hated leaders who killed and enslaved surrendered nation. According to document #4, if a city surrendered without a fight, people of the city were treated well. But if a city fought and then surrendered, all were killed. Well, anyone would be killed if he/she didn't follow the Mongols rules. Genghis Khan gave neccessities for anyone who asked. He gave horses, clothing, protection etc. Genghis Khan was respectfull, he respected great scholars and different religions. More especially, he respected his poeple.

May people don't know or have not been in situation of Mongolians in early days. The main law of nature is this: If a person gets hungry then he will find food in many different ways. So, just like the Mongolians, hot weather caused lack of water, lack of water caused the lack of grass, the lack of grass caused the lack of animals, the lack of animals caused suffer among the Mongolians.
Genghis Khan and the Mongolians Must be known as heroes for the reasons stated above.

1 comment:

Degisus said...

What a stupid opinion is this?
Do you think that only 700000 people needed so much food that they conquered almost half of the world? hehehe, hilarious, they were stronger and aggressive, just enjoyed conquering. Their land was enough to support them as still today they exist in prosperity, unlike any Khoreism.
"Chinese scholars helped Genggis to grow when he was young", hahaha, man read some more before you write anything.