Bularni Hammasi Sizniki!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Should Mongolians be know as heroes or villains?

Many people view Mongolians as villains or monsters. But actually, they were the one who were heroes. Nomadic people who developed in Central Asia were called the Mongolians. Mongolian people's lives were depended on animals that gave them meat, milk and clothing. In the 18th century, the ecology of Central Asia became terrible. Grasslands and rivers turned into deserts. Mongolians and animals were left in hunger. Trade was reduced between Chinese and Mongolians, when before, they used to exchange goods. Mongols should be known as heroes because they helped their own nation and they were kind and helpfull towards the people who were surrendered.

Mongolians should be known as heroes because they helped their nation. Since it'a life, the supreme leader of Mongolians Genghis Khan invaded vast land in order to survive. According to document #1, Mongolians' joy was to counquer land, see their enemies' family in tears and ride their horses. Whith this disciplane Mongolians gained strenght. Mongilans were suffering in their homeland and they didn't want to live in that situation. So, by conquering land they helped themselves. As stated above, Mongolians must be known as heroes, at that moment, no nation helped Mongolians to get back to feet, but they handled the situation by themselves. They were the most skilled horse riders that could change horses while riding them, shoot from their bows while riding and fight on land. According to document #2, Mongolians used tactics that were way ahead of their time, Chinese scholars helped Genghis khan as he grew.

Mongolians should be known as heroes because they were kind and helpfull towards the people who were surrendered. Many leaders kill surrendered people by boiling them in big hot pots or throwing them into the seas of alligators. But Genghis Khan hated leaders who killed and enslaved surrendered nation. According to document #4, if a city surrendered without a fight, people of the city were treated well. But if a city fought and then surrendered, all were killed. Well, anyone would be killed if he/she didn't follow the Mongols rules. Genghis Khan gave neccessities for anyone who asked. He gave horses, clothing, protection etc. Genghis Khan was respectfull, he respected great scholars and different religions. More especially, he respected his poeple.

May people don't know or have not been in situation of Mongolians in early days. The main law of nature is this: If a person gets hungry then he will find food in many different ways. So, just like the Mongolians, hot weather caused lack of water, lack of water caused the lack of grass, the lack of grass caused the lack of animals, the lack of animals caused suffer among the Mongolians.
Genghis Khan and the Mongolians Must be known as heroes for the reasons stated above.


Uzbekistan Cities

Samarkand, Uzbekistan

One of the oldest cities of Uzbekistan and in the world is Samarkand, established during the middle of the first century BC under the name Marakanda and later known as Afrosiab. It was the capital of the powerful state Sogd, the center of Emir Timur's great empire. The numerous monuments of Samarkand and its suburbs impress tourist with their beauty and splendor. The refined architectural shapes, intricate ornamentation, mosaics, blue-tile domes and facades are interesting for all who visit theses beautiful buildings. More on Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Bukhara, Uzbekistan

The settlement of Bukhara in Uzbekistan dates back to the 8th century when it was for 200 years the center of an expanding Islamic kingdom and prospered as a trade and intellectual center for Central Asia. During the Mongol invasion, It was destroyed by Genghis Khan in 1219. Subsequently it was ruled by a succession of regional powers, including descendants of Genghis Khan, Turks, and Uzbeks. Once one of Islam's most sacred cities, Bukhara contains many examples of fine Islamic architecture. More on Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Khiva, Uzbekistan

Khiva is known as a museum city under the open sky. It existed as a town for about 900 years, but developed into the settlement seen today only in the 19th century, when it was the last oasis on the northern Russian slave trade rout. Important spiritual and cultural values came form the large scientific centers of astronomy, mathematics, and medicine that existed in this area centuries ago. One can wander through the narrow streets of Khiva, peeking into the small courtyards through the wooden carved doors. The life inside the gardens assures the visitor that it is not just a museum, but also a living city. More on Khiva, Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Although Tashkent was probably first settled around the 1st century BC, written records date the city to its Arab occupation in the 8th century AD. The 13th-century defeat to Genghis Khan and his Mongolian forces threw Tashkent into an era of turmoil. The Mongols lost the city in the 14th century when the Timurids Empire seized control. The Timurids Empire ruled Tashkent until the late 15th century, when the Sheibanids swept through the region. Today, Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan.More on Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Baysun, Uzbekistan

Do you wish to travel into time that will transfer you to a forbidden territory that keeps the memory of culture of Greek and Baktrian and Kushan kingdoms that fell into oblivion of heathen ceremonies of fire-worshippers, and shaman cults? Trade caravans traveled here through Iron Gates in narrow mountain canyon for thousands years. Armies of Alexander the Great, Chengiz Khan, Tamerlan passed through this area.More on Baysun, Uzbekistan

Sports Cars

A sports car is an automobile designed for performance driving. Most sports cars are rear-wheel drive, have two seats, two doors, and are designed for more precise handling, acceleration, and aesthetics. A sports car's dominant considerations can be superior road handling, braking, maneuverability, low weight, and high power, rather than passenger space, comfort, and fuel economy.

Sports cars can be either luxurious[1] or spartan, but driving mechanical performance is the key attraction. Drivers regard brand name and the subsequent racing reputation and history (for example, Ferrari, Porsche, Lotus) as important indications of sporting quality, but brands such as Lamborghini, which do not race or build racing cars, are also highly regarded.

A car may be a sporting automobile without being a sports car. Performance modifications of regular, production cars, such as sport compacts, sports sedans, muscle cars, hot hatches and the like, generally are not sports cars, yet share traits common to sports cars. Often, they are called "sports cars" for marketing purposes for increased advertising and promotional purposes.[2] Performance cars of all configurations are grouped as Sports and Grand tourer cars, or, occasionally, as performance cars.

A sports car does not require a large, powerful engine, though many do have them. Some classic British sports cars lacked powerful engines, but were known for exceptional handling due to light weight, a well-engineered, balanced chassis, and modern suspension. On tight, twisting roads, such an automobile performs more effectively than a heavier, more powerful luxury car with less maneuverability.

Due to North American safety regulations, many sports cars are unavailable for sale or use in the United States and Canada. In the United Kingdom, Europe, and the Middle Eastern market (e.g. UAE), a flexible attitude towards small-volume specialist manufacturers has allowed companies such as TVR, Noble, and Pagani to succeed.


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you have a chance to visit this historical city located in Uzbekistan!
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